Cara Mudah Membuat Upload Crop Image PHP Mysql Javascript

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Ditutorial kali writecode akan membahas cara UPLOAD CROP IMAGE PHP JQUERY berikut langkah demi langkah pembuatan UPLOAD CROP IMAGE PHP JQUERY sederhana. Script PHP ini sengaja disimpan sesederhana mungkin untuk programmer yang baru belajar PHP. Apa saja yang harus anda siapkan sebelum memulai project ini Silakan download Jquery jquery-pack.js & jquery.imgareaselect.min.js DISINI bila sudah selesai di download silakan masukan ke dalam folder project belajar anda.

  • Js //file js disini
  • upload_pic //folder image
File php
  • index.php
  • function.php
Pertama buat file index.php didalam folder latihan  silkan copas script kodenya seperti dibawah ini :  

Baca Juga : Cropping image php mysql jquery in modal bootstrap

<?php include_once __DIR__.'/function.php';?>
<!DOCTYPE html>
 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
 <title>Upload crop image php jquery</title>
 <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-pack.js"></script>
 <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.imgareaselect.min.js"></script>


//Only display the javacript if an image has been uploaded
 $current_large_image_width = getWidth($large_image_location);
 $current_large_image_height = getHeight($large_image_location);?>

 <script type="text/javascript">
  function preview(img, selection) { 
   var scaleX = <?php echo $thumb_width;?> / selection.width; 
   var scaleY = <?php echo $thumb_height;?> / selection.height; 
   $('#thumbnail + div > img').css({ 
    width: Math.round(scaleX * <?php echo $current_large_image_width;?>) + 'px', 
    height: Math.round(scaleY * <?php echo $current_large_image_height;?>) + 'px',
    marginLeft: '-' + Math.round(scaleX * selection.x1) + 'px', 
    marginTop: '-' + Math.round(scaleY * selection.y1) + 'px' 
  $(document).ready(function () { 
   $('#save_thumb').click(function() {
    var x1 = $('#x1').val();
    var y1 = $('#y1').val();
    var x2 = $('#x2').val();
    var y2 = $('#y2').val();
    var w = $('#w').val();
    var h = $('#h').val();
    if(x1=="" || y1=="" || x2=="" || y2=="" || w=="" || h==""){
     alert("You must make a selection first");
     return false;
     return true;
  $(window).load(function () { 
   $('#thumbnail').imgAreaSelect({ aspectRatio: '1:<?php echo $thumb_height/$thumb_width;?>', onSelectChange: preview }); 
<?php }?>

<h1>Photo Upload and Crop</h1>
//Display error message if there are any
echo "<ul><li><strong>Error!</strong></li><li>".$error."</li></ul>";
if(strlen($large_photo_exists)>0 && strlen($thumb_photo_exists)>0){
echo $large_photo_exists."&nbsp;".$thumb_photo_exists;
echo "<p><a href=\"".$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]."?a=delete&t=".$_SESSION['random_key'].$_SESSION['user_file_ext']."\">Delete images</a></p>";
echo "<p><a href=\"".$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]."\">Upload another</a></p>";
//Clear the time stamp session and user file extension
$_SESSION['random_key']= "";
$_SESSION['user_file_ext']= "";
  <h2>Create Thumbnail</h2>
  <div align="center">

   <img src="<?php echo $upload_path.$large_image_name.$_SESSION['user_file_ext'];?>" style="float: left; margin-right: 10px;" id="thumbnail" alt="Create Thumbnail" />

   <div style="border:1px #e5e5e5 solid; float:left; position:relative; overflow:hidden; width:<?php echo $thumb_width;?>px; height:<?php echo $thumb_height;?>px;">
    <img src="<?php echo $upload_path.$large_image_name.$_SESSION['user_file_ext'];?>" style="position: relative;" alt="Thumbnail Preview" />

   <br style="clear:both;"/>

   <form name="thumbnail" action="<?php echo $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"];?>" method="post">
    <input type="hidden" name="x1" value="" id="x1" />
    <input type="hidden" name="y1" value="" id="y1" />
    <input type="hidden" name="x2" value="" id="x2" />
    <input type="hidden" name="y2" value="" id="y2" />
    <input type="hidden" name="w" value="" id="w" />
    <input type="hidden" name="h" value="" id="h" />
    <input type="submit" name="upload_thumbnail" value="Save Thumbnail" id="save_thumb" />
  <hr />
 <?php } ?>

 <h2>Upload Photo</h2>
 <form name="photo" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="<?php echo $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"];?>" method="post">
 Photo <input type="file" name="image" size="30" /> <input type="submit" name="upload" value="Upload" />

<?php } ?>


selanjutnya untuk script kode function.php seperti dibawah ini :

Baca Juga : Insert dynamic multi select data menggunakan PHP Ajax Jquery

 error_reporting (E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);
 session_start(); //Do not remove this
 //only assign a new timestamp if the session variable is empty
 if (!isset($_SESSION['random_key']) || strlen($_SESSION['random_key'])==0){
     $_SESSION['random_key'] = strtotime(date('Y-m-d H:i:s')); //assign the timestamp to the session variable
  $_SESSION['user_file_ext']= "";
 $upload_dir = "upload_pic"; // The directory for the images to be saved in
 $upload_path = $upload_dir."/"; // The path to where the image will be saved
 $large_image_prefix = "resize_"; // The prefix name to large image
 $thumb_image_prefix = "thumbnail_"; // The prefix name to the thumb image

 $large_image_name = $large_image_prefix.$_SESSION['random_key']; // New name of the large image (append the timestamp to the filename)
 $thumb_image_name = $thumb_image_prefix.$_SESSION['random_key']; // New name of the thumbnail image (append the timestamp to the filename)

 $max_file = "3"; // Maximum file size in MB
 $max_width = "500"; // Max width allowed for the large image
 $thumb_width = "100"; // Width of thumbnail image
 $thumb_height = "100"; // Height of thumbnail image

 // Only one of these image types should be allowed for upload
 $allowed_image_types = array('image/pjpeg'=>"jpg",'image/jpeg'=>"jpg",'image/jpg'=>"jpg",'image/png'=>"png",'image/x-png'=>"png",'image/gif'=>"gif");
 $allowed_image_ext = array_unique($allowed_image_types); // do not change this
 $image_ext = ""; // initialise variable, do not change this.
 foreach ($allowed_image_ext as $mime_type => $ext) {
     $image_ext.= strtoupper($ext)." ";

 # IMAGE FUNCTIONS                       #
 # You do not need to alter these functions                 #
 function resizeImage($image,$width,$height,$scale) {
  list($imagewidth, $imageheight, $imageType) = getimagesize($image);
  $imageType = image_type_to_mime_type($imageType);
  $newImageWidth = ceil($width * $scale);
  $newImageHeight = ceil($height * $scale);
  $newImage = imagecreatetruecolor($newImageWidth,$newImageHeight);
  switch($imageType) {
   case "image/gif":
      case "image/pjpeg":
   case "image/jpeg":
   case "image/jpg":
      case "image/png":
   case "image/x-png":
  switch($imageType) {
   case "image/gif":
        case "image/pjpeg":
   case "image/jpeg":
   case "image/jpg":
   case "image/png":
   case "image/x-png":
  chmod($image, 0777);
  return $image;
 //You do not need to alter these functions
 function resizeThumbnailImage($thumb_image_name, $image, $width, $height, $start_width, $start_height, $scale){
  list($imagewidth, $imageheight, $imageType) = getimagesize($image);
  $imageType = image_type_to_mime_type($imageType);
  $newImageWidth = ceil($width * $scale);
  $newImageHeight = ceil($height * $scale);
  $newImage = imagecreatetruecolor($newImageWidth,$newImageHeight);
  switch($imageType) {
   case "image/gif":
      case "image/pjpeg":
   case "image/jpeg":
   case "image/jpg":
      case "image/png":
   case "image/x-png":
  switch($imageType) {
   case "image/gif":
        case "image/pjpeg":
   case "image/jpeg":
   case "image/jpg":
   case "image/png":
   case "image/x-png":
  chmod($thumb_image_name, 0777);
  return $thumb_image_name;
 //You do not need to alter these functions
 function getHeight($image) {
  $size = getimagesize($image);
  $height = $size[1];
  return $height;
 //You do not need to alter these functions
 function getWidth($image) {
  $size = getimagesize($image);
  $width = $size[0];
  return $width;

 //Image Locations
 $large_image_location = $upload_path.$large_image_name.$_SESSION['user_file_ext'];
 $thumb_image_location = $upload_path.$thumb_image_name.$_SESSION['user_file_ext'];

 //Create the upload directory with the right permissions if it doesn't exist
  mkdir($upload_dir, 0777);
  chmod($upload_dir, 0777);

 //Check to see if any images with the same name already exist
 if (file_exists($large_image_location)){
   $thumb_photo_exists = "<img src=\"".$upload_path.$thumb_image_name.$_SESSION['user_file_ext']."\" alt=\"Thumbnail Image\"/>";
   $thumb_photo_exists = "";
     $large_photo_exists = "<img src=\"".$upload_path.$large_image_name.$_SESSION['user_file_ext']."\" alt=\"Large Image\"/>";
 } else {
     $large_photo_exists = "";
  $thumb_photo_exists = "";

 if (isset($_POST["upload"])) { 
  //Get the file information
  $userfile_name = $_FILES['image']['name'];
  $userfile_tmp = $_FILES['image']['tmp_name'];
  $userfile_size = $_FILES['image']['size'];
  $userfile_type = $_FILES['image']['type'];
  $filename = basename($_FILES['image']['name']);
  $file_ext = strtolower(substr($filename, strrpos($filename, '.') + 1));
  //Only process if the file is a JPG, PNG or GIF and below the allowed limit
  if((!empty($_FILES["image"])) && ($_FILES['image']['error'] == 0)) {
   foreach ($allowed_image_types as $mime_type => $ext) {
    //loop through the specified image types and if they match the extension then break out
    //everything is ok so go and check file size
    if($file_ext==$ext && $userfile_type==$mime_type){
     $error = "";
     $error = "Only <strong>".$image_ext."</strong> images accepted for upload<br />";
   //check if the file size is above the allowed limit
   if ($userfile_size > ($max_file*1048576)) {
    $error.= "Images must be under ".$max_file."MB in size";
   $error= "Select an image for upload";

  //Everything is ok, so we can upload the image.
  if (strlen($error)==0){
   if (isset($_FILES['image']['name'])){
    //this file could now has an unknown file extension (we hope it's one of the ones set above!)
    $large_image_location = $large_image_location.".".$file_ext;
    $thumb_image_location = $thumb_image_location.".".$file_ext;
    //put the file ext in the session so we know what file to look for once its uploaded
    move_uploaded_file($userfile_tmp, $large_image_location);
    chmod($large_image_location, 0777);
    $width = getWidth($large_image_location);
    $height = getHeight($large_image_location);
    //Scale the image if it is greater than the width set above
    if ($width > $max_width){
     $scale = $max_width/$width;
     $uploaded = resizeImage($large_image_location,$width,$height,$scale);
     $scale = 1;
     $uploaded = resizeImage($large_image_location,$width,$height,$scale);
    //Delete the thumbnail file so the user can create a new one
    if (file_exists($thumb_image_location)) {
   //Refresh the page to show the new uploaded image

 if (isset($_POST["upload_thumbnail"]) && strlen($large_photo_exists)>0) {
  $x1 = $_POST["x1"];
  $y1 = $_POST["y1"];
  $x2 = $_POST["x2"];
  $y2 = $_POST["y2"];
  $w = $_POST["w"];
  $h = $_POST["h"];
  $scale = $thumb_width/$w;
  $cropped = resizeThumbnailImage($thumb_image_location, $large_image_location,$w,$h,$x1,$y1,$scale);

 if ($_GET['a']=="delete" && strlen($_GET['t'])>0){
  $large_image_location = $upload_path.$large_image_prefix.$_GET['t'];
  $thumb_image_location = $upload_path.$thumb_image_prefix.$_GET['t'];
  if (file_exists($large_image_location)) {
  if (file_exists($thumb_image_location)) {

Untuk kode Javascriptnya seperti dibawah ini :
<script type="text/javascript">
function preview(img, selection) { 
 var scaleX = <?php echo $thumb_width;?> / selection.width; 
 var scaleY = <?php echo $thumb_height;?> / selection.height; 
 $('#thumbnail + div > img').css({ 
  width: Math.round(scaleX * <?php echo $current_large_image_width;?>) + 'px', 
  height: Math.round(scaleY * <?php echo $current_large_image_height;?>) + 'px',
  marginLeft: '-' + Math.round(scaleX * selection.x1) + 'px', 
  marginTop: '-' + Math.round(scaleY * selection.y1) + 'px' 
$(document).ready(function () { 
 $('#save_thumb').click(function() {
  var x1 = $('#x1').val();
  var y1 = $('#y1').val();
  var x2 = $('#x2').val();
  var y2 = $('#y2').val();
  var w = $('#w').val();
  var h = $('#h').val();
if(x1=="" || y1=="" || x2=="" || y2=="" || w=="" || h==""){
   alert("You must make a selection first");
   return false;
   return true;
$(window).load(function () { 
$('#thumbnail').imgAreaSelect({ aspectRatio: '1:<?php echo $thumb_height/$thumb_width;?>', onSelectChange: preview }); 

Disini untuk menyimpan nama file gamabr acak menggunakan timestamp. Kita sekarang juga menyimpan ekstensi file yang melalui script, untuk memastikan kita berhadapan dengan tipe gambar yang tepat.kodenya seperti dibawah ini :

Baca Juga : Load more dengan ajax jquery php mysqli

if (!isset($_SESSION['random_key']) || strlen($_SESSION['random_key'])==0){
$_SESSION['random_key'] = strtotime(date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));//assign the timestamp to the session variable
$_SESSION['user_file_ext']= "";
silakan dipelajari dan dipahami untuk script lengkapnya DISINI selamat belajar

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